Individual Work Over Cavalletti
Cavalletti Work
8m 44s
Michele Wellman coaches riders through individual patterns each one wanted to try again. They were able to continue to focus on balance and accuracy, but also realized when the horse was getting tired. At that point it is important to be successful and then quit for the day.
Up Next in Cavalletti Work
Individual Cavalletti Exercises
As the final exercise with this group, Michele coaches riders through individual patterns each one wanted to try again. They were able to continue to focus on balance and accuracy, but also realized when the horse was getting tired. At that point it is important to be successful and then quit for...
Single Pole Under Saddle
Monique takes the ground exercise of moving laterally over a pole to under saddle. Often it shows which side is more difficult for the horse. When the horse is moving easily, the challenge becomes moving a few steps one way, stop and then move a few steps the other direction.
Square Exercise Under Saddle
Monique explains how a box made from four poles can be very useful in practicing halt transitions. This can be done on the ground as well. The poles give a visual and physical barrier to an exact spot for the transition.