Seeing a Distance - Rhythm Over a Ground Pole | Holly Hugo-Vidal | PART 02
4m 27s
Building on the exercises in Part 1, Holly explains why bad distances happen. For the final exercise in the series, she has the rider approach a vertical in a good rhythm and balance, and when the horse has focused on it, she has the rider look at her raised hand, concentrating on maintaining the horse’s rhythm and balance.
Up Next in Jumping
Riding the Direct Line | Holly Hugo-V...
Holly explains how the type of turn a rider makes to a line can help the rider arrive at the ideal takeoff spot. Typically the best approach is to follow a track that is 90 degrees to the center of the fence, but a skilled rider can turn a little early or late to help make the distance work out.
Riding the Bending Line | Holly Hugo-...
Holly explains how a rider uses her eyes to determine where the track in the bending line needs to be in order to ride it in an even six strides. She explains how riding different tracks to the first fence affects how much bend between the two fences is needed.
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Kama Godek, 5* FEI Grand Prix jumper rider, holds the USHJA Trainer Certification and German Trainers Certification. In this video, she explains why she likes four-stride line exercises. They are easier to set in a confined space, and there is less margin for error. Then she coaches a rider throu...