Part 2: Bruce works with the riders at the water. When one horse canters right off the edge without looking and trips into the water, he creates a teachable moment. He encourages the rider to soften the reins and let the horse look at what she's doing, as this is critical for safety, especially if there's a fence after the water. They work with a young horse who gets behind the leg at the water to get him moving forward with confidence.
Up Next in Cross-Country
Novice Cross Country | Bruce Davidson...
Part 1: The rider warms up over some of the small cross country fences. Bruce coaches them to avoid water skiing. The mare lets the rider lean on the contact, but Bruce notes that she's avoiding balancing herself in doing this. He advises the rider not to abandon her, but coax her to soften and b...
Leg On Trailer
Liz Halliday-Sharp brings us a cross country schooling session where she helps a talented horse and rider combination work through a stop they’d had at a previous show. By encouraging the rider to keep her leg on for instant communication they successfully navigate water, ditches, corners and a s...
Leg On - Part 3
On to the water! They begin by jumping a rolltop into the water and walking while still in the water. They jump a couple of different lines in the water with fences both in and out and then go to ditches and a sunken road. Liz continues to remind her to keep a feel with her legs, so they are ther...