Day 2 Session 2 - Flat Warm-up | Anne Kursinski | PART 03
Anne Kursinski
They continue to school shoulder-in. Anne reminds the riders that their shoulders need to align with the horses' shoulders and the horse shold be bent in the direction of travel. They finish the warm-up with canter and hand gallop, including riding in two-point position and full seat.
Up Next in Anne Kursinski
Day 2 Session 2 - Flat Warm-up | Anne...
They school shoulder-in while maintaining a forward walk and trot. Anne reminds the riders to make sure the horses' haunches stay on the track so that they don't drift in too much. Next they school shoulder-out. These exercises help the horse respond to the rider as well as build strength.
Day 2 Session 2 - Flat Warm-up - Part 1
Anne reviewed flatwork from the day before. She reminded riders that flatwork is important to get the horses ready to jump. Are they going forward? Are they straight? They also needed to think about their own positions, making sure they were in a proper positon to start jumping.
Day 2 Session 1 - Jumping Warm-up | A...
They start the jumping session by trotting over a single crossrail and then stopping straight on a specific line. Anne wants the riders to focus on the horse going quietly forward, the rider sitting in the saddle before and after the fence and focusing straight ahead on the point where they want ...