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Day 2 Session 1 - Jumping | Anne Kursinski | PART 03

Anne Kursinski • 16m

Up Next in Anne Kursinski

  • Day 2 Session 1 - Jumping | Anne Kurs...

    Anne starts to build up to riding a complete course by adding a six-stride line after cantering the crossrail on the diagonal. Following the line they are to stop straight at the end of the arena. She has the riders count strides out loud to get a better idea of their rhythm and distance.

  • Day 2 Session 1 - Jumping | Anne Kurs...

    Anne has the riders go into 2-point position and canter the crossrail while counting out loud the eight strides before the fence. They then have to stop at a specific point she has picked. She wants the riders to focus on rhythm, straightness and accuracy.

  • Day 2 Session 1 - Flat Warm-up | Anne...

    Anne has the riders canter in both directions with the focus on sitting in the saddle. She also has them canter without stirrups to further get the feel of a deep seat.